Our services

How we bring food sustainability
to life…

No two clients are the same. But we always suggest kicking off with a good food sustainability strategy.

A good strategy does more that urge us forward to an inspiring goal or vision. It honestly and openly acknowledges the challenges being faced and provides a reasonable and realistic approach to overcoming them.

And the greater the challenge the more a good strategy will focus on and coordinate efforts to achieve a powerful punch or problem solving effects. We use the AJ&Smart Method to help you set your focus areas.

Align teams on your sustainability strategy – Good strategy starts with a great vision

Then identifies what can be leveraged or amplified to achieving it.  The obstacles or problems holding you back from achieving your strategy become clear. We will help you identify the 2-3 three most critical activities to focus efforts on given the current state of the market.

Are you ready to kickstart your sustainability journey with us?


“Ideas are just a multiplier of execution…Ideas are worth nothing unless they’re executed.”
 Author Derek Sivers, Anything you Want


Kick Start


Kick off with a Strategy Sprint that will align teams on challenges and solutions to tackle first. Prioritisation exercises ensure you and your teams are collectively decided on the path forward. If you are undecided we can run a Sustainability 101 taster instead. Check out what a journey with us might look like.

Strategy Sprint LDJ Journey with Us Materiality Assessment
Move Forward


Training you to give you new capabilities so you can wholeheartedly get behind your food sustainability strategy. If you need to then scale this, we give you Train the Trainer options.

Food Sustainability Foundation (CPD) Regenerative Agriculture (CPD) Plastics & Packaging (CPD)

Communications & Marketing

In order to normalise sustainability and hold you and your business to account communicate your achievements to your audience in a greenwash-free way. Get pick up by globally recognised organisations like the Global Benchmarking Alliance for your work. Don’t know where to start? Check out some ways we’ve helped businesses get on to the right path from supporting with catering tendering processes to writing press releases.

Sustainability Policy Writing Menu Carbon Labelling Content Marketing Events